

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心




Academic standing for students is determined with a combination of the institutional cumulative and semester GPA each semester after final grades are posted.  研究生、法律专业学生和本科生的学术地位规则是不同的. 学生应该 联系他们的院长办公室 如果他们需要帮助或对他们的学术地位有疑问.







留校察看期间,学期平均成绩低于3分的学生.00.  Disqualified students are not eligible to continue taking classes at the university without being reinstated by the College of Graduate Studies.


参考 法律学生手册 第三节.G满意的学术进展的定义和程序.





当学生的累积绩点低于2分时.00时,该学生将被留校察看. 留校察看是一件很严重的事情,如果在接下来的学期里不改正的话, 会导致学业被取消资格吗.

Students are notified by the Registrar via email when placed 留校察看 and will have a Probation Hold placed on their account. This hold is in place until the student is able to meet with their academic advisor and create a plan to move forward. 请记住,此保持阻止注册活动,如添加, 下降, 或者退学. 在每个学期的学术观察后,学生的账户将被放置一个试用期.

学生应该 be sure to meet with their advisor right away after receiving the email notification of 留校察看. 越早提供帮助,学业恢复就越容易. 在与导师会面之前,学生应填写一份 学术计划 带一份计划的复印件去咨询师那里. 一旦与指导老师会面,试用期将被取消. Please be aware that colleges may require students to participate in a college-specific success program as part of any agreement to remove the Probation Hold.

Academic disqualification is a serious matter and each college independently evaluates their own students' petition for reinstatement and assesses each on a case-by-case basis. Failure to submit a petition for reinstatement to the primary major 学院院长办公室 can result in delays and possibly even denial of a petition. 申请复职被原专业所在学院拒绝的, students may not appeal to another college for consideration and must wait until the subsequent semester to be reinstated.

第一学期大学生 谁没能拿到1分.平均成绩在00分或以上的学生不会被留校察看, 而是被列为第一级学业取消资格 目录规则L.

一名学生 第一次学业取消资格 下个学期都不能上大学了吗. 一旦要求的学期结束(夏季不符合条件), the student will be able to return to the university by notifying the Registrar's Office or applying for readmission if the student has not attended for two years. Students will work closely with their advisor and establish a plan to ensure academic success during the transition back to school.

如果有的话 重要的和记录的 情有可原的情况下, students may petition their 学院院长办公室 for immediate reinstatement without a one semester absence. It is important to note that a reinstatement petition is not guaranteed to be approved and must be submitted by the deadline in order to be considered. 复职申请书必须回答下列问题,并送交有关部门 学院院长联系人:

  1. 诚实的列表, 你在入学的最后一个学期学习成绩不好的具体原因, 以及其他导致被取消资格的学期.
  2. 列出你下学期计划上的所有课程,以及你打算如何在每门课上取得成功. 你必须单独处理每个类,而不是作为一个群体. Note any classes you plan to repeat from previous semesters and address how you will improve your performance in each of those classes.
  3. 你会采取什么措施来确保你的学业成功? 你会使用什么资源来帮助你在学业上取得成功? 谁会追究你的责任?
  4. 你会一边上课一边工作吗? 如果是,你计划每周工作多少小时?
  5. 你的学业和职业目标是什么? 你为什么想回到365滚球官网?

请认真对待这个过程,并向你的学院提供足够的细节,以便做出明智的决定. Your petition should include any supporting documentation you are using to explain why your college should consider an immediate reinstatement. 支持文件可以包括医疗提供者提供的信件, 学术导师的支持信, 法律文件, 等.

如果学院批准了立即复职的申请 或者学生已经像上面描述的那样旷课一个学期了,他们 会在留校察看期间回来吗. 参考留校察看 关于提交学术计划的说明。 见习会议,以及与学术顾问的会面.

至少缺席一门课后准备返校的学生 学期必须首先联系学院院长办公室并提醒他们 打算在即将到来的学期返回. 大学院长 办公室将通知注册办公室恢复学生的资格 计划返回学期.


在学术上有成就的国际学生 被取消资格者必须立即采取行动维持其移民身份 身份,并应联系国际项目办公室探讨 选项.


已注册下学期课程的学生, 被取消学业资格后, 会在学期开始前被放弃吗. 在退课后成功复课的学生可以重新注册. 在以前被放弃的任何课程中,空间都不能保证.

Academic disqualification is a serious matter and each college independently evaluates their own students' petition for reinstatement and assesses each on a case-by-case basis. Failure to submit a petition for reinstatement to the primary major 学院院长办公室 can result in delays and possibly even denial of a petition. 申请复职被原专业所在学院拒绝的, students may not appeal to another college for consideration and must wait until the subsequent semester to petition for academic reinstatement.

看到 目录规则L 对于完整的规则.

留校察看的学生, 谁从第一次学业被取消资格后返回, 累计GPA和学期GPA不低于2分的.00将被列为第二次学业取消资格. A petition for reinstatement through the 学院院长办公室 is required to return to the university; returning without petition after remaining out at least one semester is not an option.

It is important to note that a reinstatement petition is not guaranteed to be approved and must be submitted by the deadline in order to be considered. 复职申请书必须回答下列问题,并送交有关部门 学院院长联系人:

  1. 诚实的列表, 你在入学的最后一个学期学习成绩不好的具体原因, 以及其他导致被取消资格的学期.
  2. 列出你下学期计划上的所有课程,以及你打算如何在每门课上取得成功. 你必须单独处理每个类,而不是作为一个群体. Note any classes you plan to repeat from previous semesters and address how you will improve your performance in each of those classes.
  3. 你会采取什么措施来确保你的学业成功? 你会使用什么资源来帮助你在学业上取得成功? 谁会追究你的责任?
  4. 你会一边上课一边工作吗? 如果是,你计划每周工作多少小时?
  5. Have you completed any college-level classes at another institution after your disqualification from the University of Idaho? 如果是,附上一份显示最终成绩的非官方成绩单.
  6. 你的学业和职业目标是什么? 你为什么想回到365滚球官网?

请认真对待这个过程,并向你的学院提供足够的细节,以便做出明智的决定. Your petition should include any supporting documentation you are using to explain why your college should consider an immediate reinstatement. 支持文件可以包括医疗提供者提供的信件, 学术导师的支持信, 法律文件, 等.

如果复职申请得到学院的批准 该学生将留校察看. 参考学术论文 缓刑部分的说明,关于提交一个 学术计划,见习会议,以及与学术顾问的会面.


在学术上有成就的国际学生 被取消资格者必须立即采取行动维持其移民身份 身份,并应联系国际项目办公室探讨 选项.


已注册下学期课程的学生, 被取消学业资格后, 会在学期开始前被放弃吗. 在退课后成功复课的学生可以重新注册. 在以前被放弃的任何课程中,空间都不能保证.

Academic disqualification is a serious matter and each college independently evaluates their own students' petition for reinstatement and assesses each on a case-by-case basis. Failure to submit a petition for reinstatement to the primary major 学院院长办公室 can result in delays and possibly even denial of a petition. 申请复职被原专业所在学院拒绝的, students may not appeal to another college for consideration and must wait until the subsequent semester to petition for academic reinstatement.

看到 目录规则L 对于完整的规则.

留校察看的学生, 谁在第二次学业被取消资格后回国, 累计GPA和学期GPA不低于2分的.00将被列为第三次学业取消资格. Returning to the university after 第三次学业取消资格 is challenging and often not successful unless the student has taking a meaningful leave of absence from the university. The student must demonstrate to the university that they have made significant changes in their life that can help them be academically successful. After 第三次学业取消资格 it is recommended that students remain out of the university for at least a year.

如果向学院院长办公室申请复职成功的话, the student is also required to submit a subsequent Academic Petition to the Academic Petitions Committee will make the final determination whether or not to reinstate the student for the upcoming semester. 重要的是要注意,在任何一个步骤否认将阻止恢复.

Students must have significant 情有可原的情况下 in order to petition for reinstatement on 第三次学业取消资格. 学生必须提供一个经过深思熟虑和清晰的学术成功计划. 复职申请书必须回答下列问题,并送交有关部门 学院院长联系人:

  1. 诚实的列表, 你在入学的最后一个学期学习成绩不好的具体原因, 以及其他导致被取消资格的学期.
  2. 列出你下学期计划上的所有课程,以及你打算如何在每门课上取得成功. 你必须单独处理每个类,而不是作为一个群体. Note any classes you plan to repeat from previous semesters and address how you will improve your performance in each of those classes.
  3. 提供详细的学习计划和时间表,这将导致你的学业成功,如果恢复.
  4. 你会采取什么措施来确保你的学业成功? 你会使用什么资源来帮助你在学业上取得成功? 谁会追究你的责任?
  5. 你会一边上课一边工作吗? 如果是,你计划每周工作多少小时?
  6. Have you completed any college-level classes at another institution after your disqualification from the University of Idaho? 如果是,附上一份显示最终成绩的非官方成绩单.
  7. 你的学业和职业目标是什么? 你为什么想回到365滚球官网?

请认真对待这个过程,并向你的学院提供足够的细节,以便做出明智的决定. Your petition should include any supporting documentation you are using to explain why your college should consider an immediate reinstatement. 支持文件可以包括医疗提供者提供的信件, 学术导师的支持信, 法律文件, 等.

如果复职申请得到了学院的批准 随后学术请愿委员会,该学生将返回 留校察看. 参考上面的学术见习部分 关于提交学术计划的说明,试用期 举行,并会见学术顾问.


在学术上有成就的国际学生 被取消资格者必须立即采取行动维持其移民身份 身份,并应联系国际项目办公室探讨 选项.


已注册下学期课程的学生, 被取消学业资格后, 会在学期开始前被放弃吗. 在退课后成功复课的学生可以重新注册. 在以前被放弃的任何课程中,空间都不能保证.



*请与您的 学院院长办公室 一旦你知道你被取消了学业资格. 你的大学可能会强烈建议你在截止日期之前提交申请, 特别是如果你已经注册了即将到来的学期.



*请与您的 学院院长办公室 一旦你知道你被取消了学业资格. 你的大学可能会强烈建议你在截止日期之前提交申请, 特别是如果你已经注册了即将到来的学期.


强烈建议您不要提交夏季学期的恢复申请. 夏季课程被加快和压缩. Classes completed during the summer do not impact academic standing and your college must agree to reinstatement in the subsequent Fall semester for you to continue taking classes.


逾期收到复职申请的, 大学没有义务在即将到来的学期考虑这份请愿书. 因此,迟交的申请可能会被直接拒绝或被考虑到下一个学期.

The student's declared primary major determines the college to which a petition must be submitted for reinstatement. 如果学生真的打算转专业到另一所大学,他们必须与学校主管部门沟通 学院院长联系人 of the intended college to inquire if the college is willing to allow a change of major while on academic disqualification. 如果学院同意, the student must submit a change of major request in VandalWeb and it must be approved before a petition for reinstatement can be submitted to the new college.

2年以上未入365滚球官网, 他们必须首先以归国学生的身份申请入学. 在被录取为回国学生之前, the student must petition for reinstatement through the college dean of the major declared on the application for admission. 拒绝恢复原状也会导致申请被拒绝. 出于这个原因,强烈建议学生联系合适的老师 学院院长联系人 to discuss the possibility of entry into their college as a returning student before submitting an application for admission.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

